Active Minds

Mind in Croydon

Active Minds promotes physical and mental wellbeing by supporting people with experience of a mental health problem to make healthy lifestyle changes to benefit both physical and mental health. We break down the barriers faced when taking part in sport and activities in the local community. We have trained volunteers who can support you to take part in your chosen activity.

COVID-19 Service Update

Mind in Croydon’s Active Minds Service is open to referrals. We are increasing our in person activities and are currently delivering Allotment, Badminton, Tennis, Table Tennis and Yoga with Social distancing and COVID secure measures in place. We are aware not everyone is comfortable to resume in person activity at this time so we are continuing to deliver a selection of digital Zoom based activities alongside one-to-one telephone buddy support.

Please visit their website to see our full list of activities. If you are interested in accessing these groups please ask any professional providing support for your health and well-being to complete the referral link on the left of this page. Once we have received your referral we will be in touch to welcome you into the service.

To make enquires and speak to a member of the team please call 0208 253 8205 and leave a voicemail, alternatively you can email them