SLaM provide the widest range of mental health and substance misuse services (for people who are addicted to drugs and or alcohol) in the UK.
They provide care and treatment for a local population of 1.1 million people in south London, as well as specialist services for people from across the country. SLaM’s Patient Advice and Liaison Service (PALS) is a freephone telephone service where you can get advice and information about SLaM’s services. PALS can help resolve any problems you might have, whether your a patient, carer or member of the public.
The PALS freephone telephone number is 0800 731 2864
How do I make a complaint?
The best way to make a complaint is to speak to a member of staff who is involved in your care. If you do not feel comfortable talking to someone directly, you can ask for someone independent to help you. The complaints team can tell you more about this. If staff have been unable to resolve your concerns and you want to make a formal complaint you can contact the Trust’s Chief Executive or Complaints Department: