SLaM’s Recovery College

Hear Us On-Line Guide / SLaM’s Recovery College


Recovery College

Welcome to the Recovery College of the South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust (SLaM), supported by the Maudsley Charity

Autumn Term 2017 begins on Wednesday the 6th of September and ends on Thursday the 14th of December. To find out which courses are on offer this term, and when and where they are being run, read through the new timetable here.

Brief descriptions of what you can expect from each of this term’s courses can be found here

You can find directions to, and maps for, all of the venues here.

There are a number of ways for you to enrol which are described in detail here.

Scroll down this page to find out who is eligible to register for the courses and how to contact us.

Courses click the following links:

A film about the college

This is a short film about the work of our college. We hope that, after watching it, you will have some inkling of the passion and commitment of our staff and trainers. But, more importantly, we hope that it will give you an idea of the positive impact the college is having on the lives of our students. It was shot and directed by Steven Tart and edited by Belal Ladkani. Many thanks to everyone who took part in the making of the film.”

SLaM Recovery College Film from SLaM Recovery College on Vimeo.

A film about the comedy school improvisation course

They are currently running a seven-week course from The Comedy School, supported by SLaM’s Social Inclusion, Hope and Recovery Project (SHaRP), which offers an exciting opportunity for students to develop confidence, learn skills to work alongside others, and think on their feet, by using improvisation as the learning method. The course has funding from Comic Relief and is also supported by The London Community Foundation.

Here’s a film about the project and the night when students from the course performed an evening of improvisation at the Ritzy in Brixton.

The Comedy School ‘Well Being Project’ from Imotion Films on Vimeo.

A film about the tree of life

For over 2 years, a service user co-led workshop project called the Tree of Life was run on SLAM’s adult acute in-patient wards.  Over that period the workshops were attended by over 650 service users, and nearly 300 members of staff helped to create the ‘Forest of Life’ in SLAM.
In 2015 the project won a national mental health award for ‘equality and diversity in service provision ‘and a highly commended for ‘patient experience’.This film celebrates the co-production values, and commitment to providing compassionate care, that are at the heart of the tree of Life project.
The Tree of Life Team also run workshops as part of the college’s curriculum, and Dr Julie Fraser, the Lead for the Tree of Life workshops, can be heard in the Radio 4 All in the Mind segment that you can listen to below.

The college featured on Radio 4

Who the college is for

Recovery is about people with mental health difficulties having the same opportunities in life as everyone else. It is about a personal journey towards a meaningful and satisfying life. It is about hope, control and opportunity. It is about living as well as possible. The workshops and courses aim to provide the tools to make this happen, to help you become an expert in your own recovery or that of someone you care for or work with.

The college offers a learning approach that complements the existing services provided by the Trust. Co-production is at the heart of everything they do. Every course and workshop on offer is co-designed and co-run by trainers with lived experience working alongside trainers from the mental health professions.  The courses are free of charge and open to:

  • People who use SLaM services
  • Supporters (carers, family and friends) of the above
  • People who have been discharged from SLaM services within the last six months
  • Supporters (carers, family and friends) of the above
  • Volunteers and peer supporters working with SLaM
  • SLaM staff

Please note that you also need to be aged 16 or over to come to any of the courses. At the moment not able to offer the opportunity to enrol to anyone who is not included in the above categories. You do not need a referral to come along to any of the courses. If you’re interested in coming along you simply enrol as a student.